To Fail Or Not To Fail…Is It Even A Question?

Failure is not an option.

Living in Possibility

There is so much being written and discussed about failure these days and I find it very conflicting, so I thought I’d chime in with hopes of adding a little ThriveLife perspective to the topic.

There are those who think failure is a good thing and a great learning opportunity, they say, “Fail hard and often – it’s a good thing” or “If you are not failing, you are not trying hard enough.” Those who think failure is overrated as an educational tool – [paraphrased from a Peter Thiel interview] “..we often look at failure as the one thing that didn’t go right, however, it is often the case that something failed for reasons 1 through 5 but only reason number 1 is examined as  to the cause of failure.  Because of this, on your next project, you fail for reason number 2 etc. so people miss the point and lesson of failure.”

Where do…

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I have to say that I’m a little dismayed with week #15 of this course. I’m very late with writing this blog and I couldn’t pinpoint the reason why . I do know that I continued to follow the lessons , have had to adjust and readjust my schedule or routine . It’s like the brain is a bit cloudy and I have to really really concentrate on what I’m reading and doing . I don’t think this is supposed to be happening now but I do know that it won’t stop me and I won’t give in. It’s a little to late in the game for that . I have had many good things come from this course , I’m sure this too will pass . It’s just throwing me off my game , for now . I have to recognize it for what it is and as MKMMA’ERS say” IT’S TIME TO REALLY DIG IN”
I do have to say that I decided to take this issue to my sit last night and my mind was wandering to places that had nothing to do with this issue . I woke up today feeling as if this is my old blueprint acting up , this realization made sense and I feel a lot better knowing where it’s coming from but I now need to know WHY?
I have to wonder if this is normal in the process of this course or if I’m overlooking something .I  don’t know , but I do feel better now that I have written it down and it’s not all jumbled in my mind .  I can only continue to do the work and get my mind back on track . I apologize if I have confused anyone with what I have written here ,still trying to figure it out .




“Peace be the journey” this is the quote that Mark J uses all the time , it is also a quote from the movie “COOL RUNNINGS” . This movie is  one of four that we were asked to watch for our week 14 lesson and we were supposed to observe and identify the four principals needed to obtain the things in which you desire.I was able to recognize all four things : 1- a burning desire 2- A definite plan 3-The ability to disregard all negative responses 4-Get yourself an alliance with one or more persons who are willing to help you . I have to say I watched this movie a few times in the past and I felt good about the achievements of the bobsled team ,but this time it meant more to me . I’m sure it’s because of the lessons I’ve been taught through the MKMMA course . I was able to associate with their struggle , from the moment they announced their intentions people laughed at them and mocked them and some just out right refused to help . The team persisted and all though they did not win they finished the race. they refused to let anyone or anything get in their way. This movie shows us that persistence is needed to have the things that you desire .


I’d like to thank everyone who has been supportive to me and my family throughout the past month . I wish you all a Very Merry Christmas and a safe and Happy New Year. The thing that I noticed the most this week is I was watching the world with different eyes , now . I felt like people were more sincere or authentic , then I realized that the people may have not changed , that I made a change . That because I have become the observer with no opinion I reacted differently than I would have normally and that these are things I have been working towards and they seem so effortless . I ‘m happy to just be in the “KNOWING”.


Week Twleve-Repeating Themes, Stuff We Can’t Get Away From~

Here are some ideas that should be helpful


And probably for good reason.

Last week’s class, this thing about detachment, all the steps leading up to being detached about the outcome, the no opinions, the greeting the day with love in my heart, substitution of a better thought when negative ones pop up or are triggered, to name a few. I have had this brought to my attention in the past, with classes and various books, programs, etc. Nothing new under the sun, but the Teacher arrives when the Student is ready…. maybe I’m finally ready.

Quite a few years ago, I took a workshop about Quantum Touch.  One of the many variations of energy/body work.  I was still resisting the idea that I had any talent in the area, that it was all too weird, but really liked the results I experienced or witnessed in others. The mantra or guidelines for this work was this: Breathe, Love…

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This week I tried to concentrate on the index cards with my achievements . I’ll tell you that was hard to do , because a lot of the achievements seemed like everyday things . Some of them  are , but what I hadn’t realized is that to be able to achieve any of them is a miracle .  I had to view the week 12 webinar about three times before I realized that MarkJ  was using something as every day as being a Dad . That we could simply not acknowledge  the things that at one time brought us great feelings of: love , peace , joy , happiness etc , made me think that we get to the place where we forget those feelings  and move through our day not feeling  anything . I think I need to pay more attention to my ”  extraordinary everyday achievements ” because they maybe what I need to focus on when I need to stay positive .alberi



Some of the things that I have experienced in the last 10-11 weeks have been life changing . The tragic and the love filled moments both are a part of my experience . The thing about it is ,  I feel that I have touched on something that can make me a very happy ,loving ,  caring, and selfless individual . Something that I was born to be and seems to be a part of my DNA . That being said ,  I am going to continue in the direction that I am traveling . I don’t care if any one else can feel , see  or believe it. I know that a change  is coming . I have changed a lot of things in my life . I have many more changes to make . The Master Key – Part Nine states ” If you wish to change conditions you must change yourself. Your whims , your wishes , your fancies , your ambitions may be thwarted at every step , but your inmost thoughts will find expression just as certainly as the plant springs from the seed . “      I BELIEVE 




I really had a tough week this week . I felt attacked mentally several times and tonight when I got home from work . I was told that my oldest sister had passed away. I survived all of the attacks this week , because of the MKMMA lessons ,  but this hit was hard .I have to admit that I lost my cool with my younger sister tonight . I did have enough since to reel myself in ,  quite quickly .  I might add. In the heat of the discussion I saw her pain and I understood . I just wished at that moment that she knew what I know . I may have lost my way for a few seconds but I quickly gravitated to what I was taught and it worked for  me  . I’m glad because now I know for sure that I am doing the right thing . I know that we have had heated discussions before and they would go on and on forever today I told her I will not be a part of your negative and hateful ways . I am not going to argue with you ever again . I told her that I know that she was hurting right now and that we could discuss that and try and start her healing process . I really think she was taken aback by my response . So I wait on the time that we’re together again , because tonight was not the night .576370_474919412553992_1302083929_n

Week 9 of Master Keys!!

Did you know that the subby has no defense , against my voice ?


Wow!  week 9 already!  Today of all days, I am thankful for so many blessings, but I am very grateful for this MKMMA for sure!  It’s hard to wrap my brain around all the changes that have been going on inside of me, and inside so many of you from what I read in Alliance section.  This is a life changer for me for sure, to be a part of this growing process, and I am so thankful for this opportunity.

The volume of trust is definitely going up!  We’ve learned so much about how our brains work and the myths out there about this same topic.    a biggie for me this week was the part about taking personal responsibility and realizing that all this time, I had created my own outer world and thus I created my own distraction from growing my inner world.  Thought is the cause for…

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I have been doing an excellent job at keeping up , with the work within the MKMMA ,until this week. I fell off two nights this week , falling asleep before completing my final reads for the day .  I know I can’t make it up but, I refuse to beat myself  up about it . I decided to readjust my schedule so that I spend my last hour of the day an hour earlier than usual. The recording has been a great help. I’m getting more practice bombarding my subby with my DMP , Affirmations , PPN’s , and POA’s . Its funny I never liked hearing my own voice , now, within one week I can’t wait to put on my headphones and do my activities while listening to “my” voice ,  and it’s not so bad. You have to be able to adjust and readjust , when there is change going on. If you can’t or aren’t willing to everything will stay the same . I asked myself why did I pick my ninth week to mess up and the conclusion was had I messed up early on ,  I may have quit  thinking it is to much to handle and that’s why I fell asleep, but no I was given the tools to adjust and adapt to every situation the subby could throw at me and I am using them to create my new way of thinking and fixing issues that may come along . So from now on I have to be persistent and consistent in all that I do.995678_4988228305302_2118521133_n


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Actively Dying

by Peter Fall Ranger


Words from a modern being with primitive tendencies.


The point of the jouney


a blog about active and dynamic change

A place to explore and discuss alternative health options.


How thoughts create reality!


Finding Grace - a personal journey


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